Monday, August 1

Monday, heavy on the Pig

My second head is gone, my knee is shaped like a knee..but I'm still emotionally damaged from stepping on the hornworm.

Today will be a good day, though!
Because I freakin' said so, that's why. ;)

Pig was out and about this morning, checking her spot for fruit and veg scraps.
She is staying completely away from the garden/flower beds now that her babies are gone.
She's a smart girl..her den is between a peach tree and an apple tree.  Fruit actually falls off and rolls right in her house!  Good planning, girlfriend!

She's sitting on her butt, with her back feet poked forward.  Even I think it's adorable.

Fear the gaping maw of the Ghog!

She's got a lump above her right front leg...poor thing.  I'm not exactly going to haul her wild rear to the vet, though.

I love hibiscus! Trying to decide what other varieties I want for next a fave?  Share!

Blue table ...and nosy Voodoo.

None of my red tomatoes are ripe yet.  I'm chomping at the bit to get moving on the sauce making!

Looking out the east kitchen window makes my heart happy, even with a dirty window and cluttered butchers block.

The bees are up and working hard...

Kind of an odd shot, but I was falling over the fence.  I liked it anyway :)

Bacon cheeseburgers, sweet potato fries and a couple of beers for dinner...I'm ready for dinner right now!
Looking forward to the food, but having dinner outside with Michael will be nice.
He works 4 out of 5 nights closing shift.  By the time he gets in, I'm falling asleep.  It sucks.
I'm glad he has the job he does, with a month of vacation time a year, but I still miss the day-to-day interactions.  After being together 16 years, I'm glad we still miss each other!


  1. thanks for a good healthy heavy dose of pig! she's a treat for me! i just stare at tree rats all day...


  2. The feeties on Pig are darling all out there stuck out in front with those cute little feetie pads. The sunflower shots are cool! We love hibiscus here too, any old kind will do. We have mostly white in color and they are called Hibiscuits here because one of us can't remember their name, that would NOT be me, so me suggested to the other one living here to use a word association thing so I suggested just think of biscuits. End of that story. Are you not glad? Your hibiscuits are very pretty and not fried by the demon sun like here in MissouREE.

  3. Pig appears to be living large! Dinner sounds pretty darn good too-enjoy:@)

  4. That pig is too cute for words! She is certainly enjoying her snack!! I made beef lasagna and was stupid enough to use my drinking wine for the cooking!! Oh well,I shall raid my husbands beer!! Have a great one and thank you for your kind comments!! xoxo

  5. The view out your window!!!! Beautiful!!!! And I love that shot of the table and that camo doggie. I had to look hard to see Voo.

  6. Oh, come on now, you know dragging her butt to the vet would make for a great blog post...

  7. Pig's very lucky to have landed herself at your place. We are too. I love seeing all the pictures of her.

  8. Great images... all of them! Love the Ghog... so cute!

    How sweet that you still want to spend time with your hubby after 16 years! I'm the same way! Sheesh... that's why I married him!!!

  9. Pig is charming. I caught my Pig heading towards my daylilies yesterday. Shrieking like a banshee, however, seems to have convinced him that it is not safe to go after those things.

    It's more than nice to hear that you still miss your hubby after being together for 16 years, it's heartening. Sometimes relationships seem so temporary these days.

  10. I love your pig, She is really beautiful. Very smart to to live where fruit rolls into her house.
    Were you barefoot when you stepped on the hornworm? I think I might have removed my foot from my body.
    My husband stepped on a bug the other day and it crunched and I thought I would faint.
    Your flowers are just lovely. I like pictures of bees covered in pollen so much.

  11. Hopefully she didn't break a leg or something else but worse. Some vets will see wildlife if you get them in there.

  12. Loving all the pics! So glad that your butt knee is better! I don't think that I would want to be without my hubby like that. The kids would definitely kill me or tie me up in a closet!

  13. Stop making me laugh! My occassional urinary incontinence is acting up! (And I don't know how to spell okazional, so please don't make me remind you again...)

    The gaping maw! LOL!

    The picture below should be titled, "Zucchini Zen."

  14. pig is looking pretty darn cute...

  15. She looks like she's saying her grace before she eats. :)

  16. both just want a blog post entitled "How a Groundhog Ate My Face".
    Can you see me trying to get her into a crate?!

  17. Pig is becoming a net favorite... that beauty queen. LOLOL

    I can't grow crap... and I seriously thought those 'maters were ready to eat... 'til you said they weren't ripe.

    I'm movin' in with Pig.


  18. Is that crazy varmint praying before she eats? Man, you're good. Real good. I may have some varmints I can send you for training.
