Chaos Dogs

We have a herd of dogs in the Chaos Household.  Here's your easy guide to the Chaos Dogs ;)

Henry- Jack Russell/Beagle mix

He likes jammies and sweaters.  He dares you to say anything about it.

Strider- Rottweiler/Pitbull, Black and Tan coonhound mix. Supposedly.

The easiest, friendlies, most gentle dog I've ever met!

Voodoo- Llewellin Setter

He's very handsome..but he's like a toddler cracked out on sugar.

Irie- Akita

She's a bimbo..but a bad ass!


  1. Ooh! Love this page. A handy pet reference!

    Can't believe you left Pig out. She's your red-headed stepchild, she is.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Wow! What a beutiful friends you have!

  4. I so love that last pic of Irie!! What a goober!

  5. I love your dogs. I think Voodoo is the coolest dog. :)
