Monday, August 12

Sooo...I'm alive

but i make no promises about keeping this thing updated.
I read blogs, but can't seem to get off my butt to POST anything.

I'm doing well, post pulmonary embolism.
Hiking is interesting. Gardening is interesting.
*hack wheeze hack wheeze*
and then I got bronchitis. Which was superfun.

But i'm alive, so it's all good!  I'll try to make it back to blogland.

In the interim, have a mutated carrot photo.


  1. "She's Alive" I love that line in a movie I am now to old to remember which one:) Oh I am so glad to know you are alive I have been wondering. Seriously I am so happy you are OK. Take care and take it easy life is more than blogging am realizing:) HUGS B

  2. What buttons said -
    and more -

    we just figured you were out researching more fodder for your written prose....but next time, try being the observer rather then one who has to actually suffer through it - its easier that way and you can do things without worrying about dying...

    hugs to (((Samantha!)))

  3. Very glad to hear you are well. Nice potatoes. :)

  4. Glad you're back. Hope your health woes improve.

  5. It's great to hear from you, it's great to hear you are alive.

  6. I always enjoyed my visits here and although I saw you on FB -- a place I don't frequent much -- I wondered if you'd return someday.

    Glad to see you back. :)
