Tuesday, February 19


Seasonal Affective Disorder.
Does SAD cause rage?
 Does it make you spew profanity and shake your fist at the sky?
 If so, I have it.
Otherwise, I may have BSCWD
BatShit Crazy Weather Disorder.

I'm bundled on the couch like a mummy. I'm reading gardening catalogs and warming my hands over the sunny, blooming, colorful pages. Outside is grey and brown. Lots of mud and ice. Glorious.

I started out making mac and cheese for dinner..it turned into my bastardized version of Ina Garten's.
Bread crumbs, my ass.  Try cornbread. 
I skipped the bacon and went for lobster.
Plus I went all crazy with the cheese..5 kinds in there right now.
I'm aware I caused clogged arteries in someone just reading that. Whoops.
Most of the time I eat quite healthy. Today is NOT one of those days. At all. 

Random seagull on ice.

You see where the batshit crazy comes from now, right??


  1. lol It is just the weather! It will pass!

  2. ROFL! Tomorrow is a new day! And to that I say...Thank goodness!

  3. Oh you bring me out of the blues with your posts you make me laugh thanks for that. Laugh at yourself Yummy comfort food.. Take care OK B

  4. Hilarious! I have called it GOMS (grumpy old man syndrome), but I think I like your acronyms better:). The food sounds wonderful!


  5. Wow! When you give it a name like BSCWD it sounds so official and medical. A treatment of comfort food like mac and cheese (more cheese the better) would be prescribed by any doctor worth his bad handwriting. I just don't recommend eating seagull on ice no matter how BSC you are.

  6. Give me the cheese. I'll take two Crestors, no big deal. BSCWD, I can so relate. Sorry to say I haven't checked your blog in awhile, my bad. Really appreciate your humor. Oh, hope Michael's hand is feeling better.

  7. I swear that when we have another patch of constant rain...I shall throttle the next poor sap that tosses my wet and rather damp,path.....
    We need sun........just a few months of,it

  8. Well, at least you haven't lost your feistiness. That is saying sumpin'. The mac and cheese sounds wonderfully perfect for this cold rainy day. We have sea gulls, too. From whence do they come and why? I do not understand. The sea is far.

  9. I just found your blog. You're a hoot and so enjoyable to read! I'm your newest follower.

  10. I think I suffer from SAD but you can't diagnose me based on profanity...that is pretty consistent across seasons

  11. That Mac and Cheese sounds slammin'!!! Winters don't usually get me down but this year....blahhhhh. I am so over it too
