Wednesday, February 27

Makeover, please.

Lashing rains and howling
Turning to snow..yay.
Windchills of 5 over the weekend..Oh piss OFF, winter.
Winter needs to go the hell away so I can stop wearing 104 layers and looking like Violet Beauregarde.

I look like an enormous blueberry in my winter fleece.  SO not flattering, but it's warm and wind-proof.
Still.  A giant blueberry.

We have a dinner party with Michael's boss this weekend.
Michael's boss, who looks like freaking Scarlett Johansson.  Seriously.

To top THAT off, she's one of the nicest people on Earth.

But still.

...and then...there's me...

I might have to forget about warmth for one night, and dig in my closet for something NOT fleecey and poofy and warm.
Wear something besides muckboots?
I can't remember where I put my makeup bag...or when I last wore makeup.
Who cares how I dress here? The crows? Deer?

*before anyone thinks I'm having a breakdown or I'm feeling all horrible about my looks or some other typical girlie problem- that's not the case.  Well. Kind of the case, since I'm feeling all frumpy and VioletB.  But...I'm really really ok. ;)
Moving on:

I decided to forgo a bunch of my weird/rare/heirloom tomatoes and try some Defiant tomatoes.  Anyone have experience with them?
Finding seeds is damned near impossible. I found grafted plants (at two for $15! Jesus H!).
I did find the Mountain Magic seeds I want. Supposedly another disease resistant one. We'll see.
My garden appears to be ground zero for TomatoPlague.


  1. I thought that was you:) I think you have nothing to worry about unless your profile is 100 years old you look great.
    In the pretty girls defense it is hard to be beautiful OK that is what they say must be true.
    Go have fun enjoy forget the rest. Hug B

  2. I tried to start plants from seeds a few years ago and failed big time with it. Our local news told on the news the other day that you can send off for some free seeds from the WVU Extension Agency.

    West Virginia 63 Tomato Seed Date: Feb 19, 2013
    Mail request to: (Include self addressed stamped envelope) WV-63 Tomato –WSAZ P.O.Box 6108 WVU Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources Unit Morgantown, West Virginia 26506-6108

    I'm so ready for spring to come too even though it hasn't been that cold here. It's been miserable enough that I've told my husband that when he retires we are getting a fancy camper and we will spend the winter in Florida where it's warm! lol The look on his face! lol

  3. Oh you are just too the Blueberry girl and comparing yourself to Scarlet!!!...LOL! I can tell YOU are really OK!!!!. Great to meet you, another new friend!!..:)JP

  4. Bah. Be yourself and if he don't like it -- then too bad.

  5. At least poofy blue is better than an orange-faced, green-haired Oompa Loompa!

    I get my tomato baby plants from Walmart AFTER most of the frosts have passed--maybe in June. I figure if they can survive the Walmart staff they can make it in my garden.

  6. LOL over the blueberry image. At least you're warm!!

  7. Hey, I think blueberries are tasty! lol

    Good luck with the tomatoes!
