Saturday, September 1

This fall...

-We're going to Baltimore to the National Aquarium.
Maybe.  I've built this trip up so much in my mind that I'm afraid Reality will suck in comparison to Sam's Reality.
I have an enormous problem with this.
At this point in my life, I should truly Know Better.  If someone is going to get mauled by angel fish or attacked by toddlers- it's me.
I should accept it and move forward (it makes for good blog fodder!).  Instead, I create an amazing trip in my head that no one could recreate. Ever.

-I intend to learn to shoot the longbow my friend Jeremy gave me.  I can do this. I can do this without maiming myself (no promises on anyone else).  I have Intentions.  I will hunt with this damned thing.

-We're going to hike and log all the trails in my local state park.  Should be interesting (for me, anyway).  The park maps are horrible, and GPS doesn't work everywhere in the park.  That's my only hesitation.  Some of the trails aren't clearly blazed.  If I vanish, assume I was eaten by cannibal hillbillies.

Fall may never arrive.  It was freaking HOT yesterday, and humid today. I want crisp weather and chilly nights.


  1. well, maybe you should practice with the bow first. then hit those back trails. :)

    and it's hot here, too. 100s again for the next few days.

  2. uh oh...the hills have eyes. practice before u head out there in the wanna be able to shoot that bow with some accuracy!

    i want COOL too! too hot for too long.

  3. Be safe, girl. We want you back!

  4. I learned a long time ago not to build up things in my mind because I get disappointed every single time! We lived in Maryland for 4 years. We tried to go to the aquarium and never went in because the lines we so stinking long. We kept saying we would go back but we didn't. The lines might not be that long now that school is in though. I can't remember when we went. Just make sure you know where you are going in that area or you will end up in the ghetto like we did! lol That was scary! I haven't shot a bow in many years. I was taught by one of West Virginia's best bow instructors.

  5. OOHHhhhh. Log trails as in a written record NOT cut down all the trees in the way. Well, that's different. Nevermind.

    Watch out for those killer clown fish. Evil clowns are the worst kind.

  6. It has cooled down here, it was 38F yesterday morning and nice weather during the day. Heat is supposed to come back though. I think everyone is so fed up with it. I loved the picture of the goose in your previous post. That's so funny, crossing the street with such confidence.

  7. I know what you mean...I want fall too...

  8. I am on the look out for fall as well.

  9. Sam we gots HOT again until Thursday when a cool front is suppose to get here. I am with you on Fall. Dammit.

  10. Too funny -- you've got some roadblocks up and ready before you have even started! Sounds familiar... :) Hope you have a good safe time.

  11. You should take a ferry ride when you're down there.

  12. You will absolutely love the Aquarium! Actually, I think they just got done their re-model so I have no idea what it's like now BUT it was awesome before!! haha.

    Watch the boobie when shooting the bow. Trust me. It is not a plesant feeling nor is it attractive walking around with a bruised boobie. Trust me. And don't ask me how I know this first hand ;)

  13. No better place to learn to shoot a bow than at an aquarium...don't that say about easy stuff, "it's like shooting fish in an aquarium." It is something like that...
