Monday, November 7

So..this one time..

"This one time" being yesterday..
Jeremy put on his ghillie suit and prepared for Extreme Birding.

I will have you know I did NOT suggest this.  I can't be blamed.
this time.

Irie thinks we're all freaking crazy.
(and yes, she's wearing a pink collar with skulls.  Bimbo AND bad ass!)
Please note the chunk of Jean's Bird Cake on his head.

 Voodoo was SO excited about the his bird brain, he must have realized HUNTING!!!

Since he didn't get to go bird hunting, he took his rage out on a log.

Not a single bird in sight.  I think Lacey and I were laughing too loudly.

On a side note, I got locked the hell out of every Google related site this morning.
They took my blog down, locked me out of Picasa web albums/gmail/Google+. NO idea WTF that was about.
Strangely, all I did was change my password (to an account I couldn't log in to) and it was magically restored.

Obviously, I'm a hardcore menace to the Google community.


  1. And that's how the legend of the BigFoot began!!!

  2. Step AWAY from the computer, Samantha. You are #1 on the most wanted list of Google!

    This entire post was a hoot. Didn't know if I was laughing harder at Jeremy or Irie!

  3. (quietly deleting Sam's name from gmail contacts, Google+, Blogger, etc...) JK!

    you folks have entirely too much free time on your hands! first the birdseed-on-head trip. now the ghillie suit.

  4. I would be so freaked out if I ever saw some guy like this in the woods (or any where...)
    - KAT -

  5. Love the ghillie suit! I have one as well, and use it for my photography, but it's not quite that elaborate! I really have to stay hidden when on public land though:) Kudos to Jeremy!


  6. Just been watchin' 'Swamp Thing'.

    What a coincidence!!

  7. you're such a menace... with your own swamp thing. LMAO!!!

    i haven't forgotten you... i'm including a lil' somethin' special just. for. you.

  8. I concur. Looks like a swamp monster, deep in the hills of WV.

  9. We want one!!! J has it on his Christmas list!!
    For realz, where did you buy it?
    (really dumb) enquiring minds need to know! This is our kinda fun!!

    I did your see your face on the Most Wanted List at the post office
    Not the FBI.
    Google's Top Ten. You were #2
    #1 is some dude in a grass outfit who stalks birds!

    Enjoy your day. But, not too much..
    xo, misha

  10. They let you back in? Well, what was Google thinking? LOL

  11. Until this moment I didn't know what a ghillie suit was. Hilarious and horrifying at the same time! The cake on the head was a nice touch. The birds probably caught one glance of that and went home to tell their friends. Fell off the branches laughing.

  12. I'm glad Voo equated the suit to hunting and didn't think it was a big moss covered tree and hike a leg:@)

  13. All the time and money people have spent over the years looking for Bigfoot and you have him. Huh. :-)

    You'll have to let us know if that ever works for birding!

  14. Okay, this is all getting a little weird now.

  15. My son talked and talked because he wanted that suit for paint ball. I should have got it for him just so I could take pictures.
    I keep reading about people doing that and google locking them out. I don't know if I would try it because they seem to take great offense.
    Glad you are back.

  16. It's scary how much we don't know about Google, or how much they know about us.

  17. Look at the shit eating grin on Jeremy's face! I think he enjoyed it as much as you guys! hahahah

    We must be sister's because Google has been messing with me this week and I am reading to kick its butt. I thought it was just me because I did four posts last week to post THIS week and it freaking wont let me. I assume I put is into shock for being prepared! ;)

  18. He does look like a swamp monster. Seriously!

  19. very interesting, LOL

    Aloha from Honolulu

    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >


    < ° ) } } > <

  20. Je découvre ton blog ! Je tombe sur cet avatar couvert de mousse. Je me suis dit "Mon Dieu ! Les chiens, il va faire peur aux chiens et les chiens vont le manger "
    Et puis, non, cet homme est bon. Son odeur repousse les carnivores et les fait même préférer le bois mort.
    Les chiens Américains ont de l'humour. Tout le monde est sauvé.

    Avec toutes mes amitiés depuis la France.


  21. We actually got the ghille suit from ebay. Jeremy bought it for hunting... I don't know if he's ever actually wore it for hunting though...

    He is absolutely tickled at the bigfoot comments. His nickname is squatch here.

  22. Awww, Oscar the Grouch and Big Bird had a love child.

    I love your dog photos. You make me want another one!

  23. after ALL that prep...and NO birds!!? i think he should just go running through the woods waving his, on second thought...better not...too many crazies out there...with weapons! but that suit sure looks like the bigfoot swamp monster!

  24. Bahahaha...never a dull moment over there huh?;))

  25. just another day at the keith household, i'm guessing...

  26. And just when I was missing Pig.
    Pig who?

    Dear Samantah, if we're smart, we'll keep our hubbies apart. :)

  27. Just popped over from Tracy;s post. That birding outfit is the neatest thing I've seen since my daughter's shaggy catsuit!
