Thursday, November 10


Honestly, which of my posts aren't babble?
I recently mentioned to a friend that I had never seen a pine siskin.

Nope.  Never.

Not a one.
Master of the Obvious, I'm not..and yet there are people out there that follow me into the woods.
I should come with a warning label.

I have an appointment with my Dr today.
Loathe. Detest.
I found a little bump on top of my foot.  No idea WTH it is, but I decided it was time to seek medical advice when bumping it almost made me pee my pants (excessive profanity helped with the pain).
I LOVE this candle company...and they ship!
If anyone wants to shower me with love, I'll accept 1000 Peppermint Patty candles.
I'm selfless like that.
Our gorgeous 70 degree days turned into 38 and drizzle.
I'm thrilled I spent the last few days wandering in and out of the house, enjoying the sun!
The birds are enjoying this *fancy* food.
Bird crack.
I'm sure Scotts doesn't appreciate me calling their food crack, but they aren't paying me or giving me free
The woodpeckers in particular are going crazy on it.
How are black oil sunflower seed prices in your area?  $28 for 50 lbs here! Holy crow!
The birds better get jobs and start contributing!
By the way, I swore I didn't have photos of the Common Merganser couple, either:

Now..anyone up for a hike in the deep woods?


  1. i think i'll stay in my own woods, thanks. :)

  2. I just love you, girl! You always make me laugh!

  3. i'm picturing your birds on an episode of breaking bad.

  4. I'll walk in the woods but no swamp thing suits!

    I hate going to the dr too. Hope the bump is easily fixable.

  5. "I should come with a warning label."
    You crack me up Sam!

    Hope all is good with your foot.

  6. Lovin' the pic on the icy branch! I'd say the birds either need to get a job or get big enough to eat:@)

  7. I wonder if all those blackbirds around here are really some spectacular species that I've "never seen." LOL

  8. I'm up for the hike. I always have my kids with me which, though I love them, = complaining. So, as long as it is adults....I am in!!!!

  9. Hah! No Pine Siskins, huh? I think that our summer flock must've flown to your house.

    I'm similarly clueless when it comes to directions. A few weeks ago, we visited the desert. It seemed that everyone I met on the trails was lost, and had decided that I was the one to ask directions. HAH! I bet they're all still wandering around out there.

    I hope that the bump is no big deal.

  10. As always, I'm jealous of your birds. And impressed with your photography. That first shot could be a postcard.

  11. Ooops, sorry Sam - mis-read that line about love in the shower with a candle!

  12. Wonderful and funny you are my friend. Nice pics...I would love to take a walk in the woods with you all. if would be very fun I am sure. just keep the scary guy in the moss suit away from me ! yikes he scares me.
    hope your bump is no big thing and you can get rid of it soon . I don't like bumps and pain..either


  13. You think I'm going to follow YOU into the woods, hahahaha! JK! I think I'll stay right here with my hot cup of tea thank you very much!

    Have a great weekend!

    Oh, and stay away from the bird crack!

  14. Beautiful pictures, Sam! I hope that bump isn't anything serious.

  15. as're hysterical. i have enough addictions...i think i;ll stay away from bird crack! and i'll wander my own woods where i know what the sounds are coming from the bushes...

    sure hope your foot bump is nothing...Drs, ugh!
