Wednesday, November 23

Slow down..

I can't keep up!  With anything!
It's a good thing I'm a semi-hermit...between Henry's med schedule and physical therapy and the household stuff, I don't have time to actually LEAVE.
Being a semi-hermit, I don't mind..but holy crow.

Henry blew past the curve for walking and leg use.
4-5 weeks, the surgeon/neurologist said.
4-5 weeks before he might attempt to walk or use his legs.
"HA", Henry said.
It's a damned good thing he's in a sling, or I would be having heart failure trying to slow him down.
Wait, I'm still having heart failure, but just more controlled.

Henry, shaved and glued.  

He's still walking like a drunk..muscle memory is kicking in, but it takes some time.
I don't think the 2 kinds of pain meds 3 times a day help with his drunken careening, either.
Not that we care.  No pain is our goal.
Careen away, Henry...and enjoy your meds!

He's feeling well and getting spoiled.
His Auntie Lacey bought a creepy-ass monkey for him.
I hate that damned thing.  Monkeys creep me out.
C'mon, you've seen Outbreak! Monkey-induced plague.
Toy monkeys are especially creepy.
You read Stephen King's The Monkey..monkey-induced death!

Devil monkey waiting for me to sleep...
so it can spread plague and/or cause an Unfortunate Accident.
Henry is messing with me over the devil monkey.  He has to have it with him. Must Have Monkey in his crate.
He arranges it carefully by his head before sleeping.
Creepy damned thing.
Monkey, not dog.

You see his microplush fleece blankets?
Lacey and I sat up until midnight hand sewing fleecey snuggle blankets for his orthopedic beds.
You would think he'd be grateful.

I may be stoned, but I can tell this blanket isn't from Bed, Bath and Beyond.
This is discount store crap, isn't it?!

After I arrange for dog sitting, I have to venture out today to buy something for Thanksgiving dinner.
Boxed mac and cheese? Frozen pizza? I have time/brain power to cook those!

All photos are from my cell, so pardon the horrible quality.

HAPPY THANKSGIVING, and count your blessings.


  1. I vote for going to Cracker Barrel for THanksgiving. Don't cook at all and still get all the fixings! ;-)

    I'm glad he's doing okay!

  2. Sam it is so nice to see a post from you and see that Henry is doin' great! Monkeys creep me out too! Those stuffed sock monkeys are just scarey :O But tell Lacey that the little argyle one is kinda cute. And if it makes Henry a happy pup right now than so be it. Thanksgiving for us is a chicken in a big old pot with noodles and mashed potatoes and a Mrs. Smith's pumpkin pie. CH isn't fond of Turkey for eating. Love seeing them around the Tiny Ten but he doesn't like to eat them! Sam you and yours have a great Thanksgiving in case I don't get a chance to tell you again! The posting and commenting is crazy making right now-I need a break. I am thankful though, and I don't know it you remember me telling you but it is all your fault uh I mean you inspired me to blog-thank you! Even though I kinda have a love hate relationship with my blog :) The End. Ain't you happy?

  3. Go Henry Go Have a great Thanksgiving weekend we have much to be thankful for. B

  4. It makes me smile to see that he's doing so well.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. SO glad he's home and doing exceptionally well!!! go, henry, go!!! drive samantha crazy!!! :)

  6. thanks for the update on henry!! happy to hear he's doing so good. he looks like he needs a little spoiling right now!

    have a nice turkey day...whatever you decide to do/eat. gobble gobble!

  7. Ahh...such a sweetie, that Henry! I hope he appreciates all you do for him too! Yet...I can't help wanting to see him drive you crazy with that monkey. ;)

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  8. Yay for Henry -- so glad he is on the way to mending 100%!

    I buy those fleecy blankets for about $2.00 around Xmas time and use them for doggie blankets, etc...

    No matter what you eat for Thanksgiving, I hope you have a good one! :)

  9. Have a brilliant thanksgiving weekend Sam.

    Plenty of time to monkey around.

  10. Happy Thanksgiving to you! Your Henry makes me wonder if my dog is part beagle. I need to look up pictures of chihuahua/beagle mixes. He is a beauty!

  11. Way to go Henry! Get her with the monkey when needed.:) Happy Thanksgiving Sam!

  12. So glad to hear Henry's doing better! Take care and Happy Thanksgiving:@)

  13. Henry's turned into a tough guy with those scars! He means business now :)

  14. So happy Henry is much better now. Hope you have a lovely weekend.

    always Wendy

  15. Henry my fine man... you look fabulous with that stripe down your back and I wish you a quick and full recovery! Smoochies to you.
