Wednesday, September 28

She's back.

I don't know what you'll all do when Pig hibernates!

Frankly, a winter of NOT keeping Pig away from the front door...the dogs..the water heater closet...sounds dreamy!  Go to sleeeep, Pig.  Sleeeeep.
She's hilarious, but she's a big pain!

I made calzones with vegetarian pepperoni..Pig stole the leftovers meant for the crows.  Again.
At least she carried it to her den instead of right outside the front door.

"Something is off about this thing.."

'What the hell is vegetarian pepperoni?!"

"Ah well, I'll give it a shot!"
 Just because I could....

"Well, that was utter crap.  Got any plain bread?"
 Note the discarded *pepperoni* by her feet?

Michael mowed his down with nary a word.
After finding out it wasn't real pepperoni, he said "It tasted strange".  I don't buy it.
The color changing factor of the fake pepperoni is a turnoff for me.
It started out it cooked it turned orange.  Freaky.

Heading outside to pick up chestnuts (since the dogs and I step on the damned things!).
 Enjoy your day!

Oh...40% chance of rain now.  UGH!


  1. hmmm... i might be with pig on this one. vegetarian pepperoni sounds like it might be like turkey bacon to me... why bother? :) if i'm going vegetarian, just leave the 'fake' meat out of it...

    hi pig, you rotund varmint, you! :)

  2. I knew it, Pig was teasing us. I'm with Theresa on the vegetarian meat thing. It ain't meat, no matter how much tofu or veggies or how much spice you add to it. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my veggies, just not when they call it meat. :)

  3. I cracked up at you doing the fingers thing just because you could. That was cute! :)

    I wonder if ground hogs, like, they start hibernating for a day or two then come out again then hibernate again for another few days then come back out... until it's built up to a full hibernation? Curious!!!

  4. So happy to see Pig again! I will miss her. The picture you took with your fingers...very cute!

  5. pig is sure getting fat !even with out fake pepperoni

  6. vegetarian pepperoni? That's just so wrong. I, too, stand with Pig. Just curious, have you seen any other groundhogs around? I'm wondering if Pig is going to be a Mom again next Spring?

  7. Whoa, is it my eyes or does she keeps getting bigger!?! (I'm sure it has been said of me, too, on occasions.)

  8. I'm with the others, and Pig. I'll happily eat tofu, but I'm not a fan of fake meat.

  9. Not that I want any, but where in the world of West Virginia did you find vegetarian pepperoni? Vegetarian pepperoni, well, that's just wrong! lol It wouldn't go over at all at my house!

    I'm so glad to see some more Pig! I will miss her this winter! Come spring I'll be chanting Pig, Pig, Pig!

  10. While I'm not in a position to say anything... Pig really seems to be packing it on! Fake pepperoni or not:@)

  11. Winter around here is soooo long. I don't know how I'll make it through without a dose or two of pig. Can we talk you into bringing her in once in a while to put her feet up by the stove/heater vent with a big slice of white bread and a glass of something sparkly to pose for photos and to help make the dark days a little brighter? Please?

  12. haha! I knew it wouldn't be long before Pig was back. At this point, she probably figures she can afford to be picky.

    Vegetarian pepperoni? Yeah, I probably wouldn't eat it, either.

  13. oh my goodness... Pig is FAT! I can see why she's so worried about the carbs and doesn't eat the pepperoni!

  14. Not exactly a satisfied customer in regards to the veggie pepperoni. Just throw it on the ground... love it! :)

  15. Soy bean fake pepperoni? I wonder what she will do when you give her tofu!

    Yes, I will miss her.

  16. Whatever will I do without Pig? I love her so. Le Sigh.

  17. Pig looks HUGE in that first photo! Of course, she is 11.2 lbs after all!

    I'm not much of a meat eater but I'm with Pig... give me some real pepperoni, lol!

    I awarded you The Versatile Blogger Award on today's post if you're interested! I think you're very deserving!

  18. I love your kingdom and your friend Pig :-)

    Warm Aloha from Waikiki;

    Comfort Spiral

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  19. I'm laughing so hard I just snorted and I've got tears coming out of my eyeballs...

    your captions are PRICELESS!!!
