Friday, September 30

Forget that!

Camping, that is.

A combined 19 hours of rain and lows near freezing..sounds like a good time!
A good time to stay home and bitch about the weather, that is.
It would be fine if it was just cold OR just raining.
 The combo platter sucks.

Mama and Baby 1 came to eat last night...I was worried when I didn't see 2 and 3!

Whew.  They were around.

My remake of The Birds.
Grackle flocks that have been passing over every morning.
They are so dang LOUD.

At least the Starlings are quiet when they fly over each evening.

"Camping!? There will be no camping."

"Who will bring me carbs...."

"..and floss my teeth!?"


  1. Sorry about the forecast. Maybe you can "play" camping at home. ;)

  2. Yeh, rotten here this weekend, too. I love your deer, but, I have to admit that it worries me a bit to see how big your fawn is. Take a look at my blog today, and you'll see why. Darn it, I really don't need to be worrying about baby animals right now.

  3. well, your closet will get some attention then. (exciting, i know...)

    your grackle mania means they'll be heading here soon. i better stock up on seed for the winter as they pretty much decimate our feeders...

  4. We've got a similar forecast, and I think you're right - this is weather for staying inside.

  5. Our temps are dropping as well, -1C the past few nights...we are in for a few days of rain as well...the big fall barn clean out and disinfecting is on our plate for the rainy weekend.

    And I don't think floss will do,he better get some fishing line!! Yuck!

  6. Hang on, that's the same forecast and temperature here and it's our Spring! I love the colour of her fur under her paws/legs?!

  7. That's camping weather. God, when we get weather like that we're all out in the garden on the loungers.

    Your pictures make me feel hungry!

  8. We have the same forecast this weekend too! We are having a White Trash Wine Tasting Bash/Bon Fire so I don't think anyone is going to notice the rain or the cold ;)

    I can't believe Pig is not hibernating yet. Silly rabbit...I mean hog

  9. Weird, weird weather. That should be OUR forecast at this time of year. Instead we get boring old sunny skies and temps in the 70's. We can't even enjoy it because we're sitting here bracing for the icy wind, freezing rain and that four letter "s" word.

  10. I love Pig, but I completely understand. Just wait til she brings her brood ...

  11. I adore Pig! We have a "pig" family that has been hanging out for months.
    And I watch and I watch! They make me smile!
    Yeah. I agree with the no camping. Who wants to be cold, freezing, and miserable? You can just stay home and be miserable! And feed pig! Ha!
    Have a great weekend whatever you do!
    xo, misha

  12. Fair weather campers. LOL

    The fawns look nice and healthy! Pig looks healthy, too, but in a different sense of the word! :-)

    I'm not a big fan of grackles, starlings, or house sparrows. Too noisy and numerous. Kinda like some of my relatives.

    Great shots, Samantha!

  13. I wonder if Pig really knows how good she has it, or if in her mind she's ACTUALLY foraging for food?!?!? I'd stay home too:@)

  14. It is indeed too cold to go camping this weekend! I'm glad to see Pig happy eating her carbs. She does need a little floss. Perhaps some celery? lol

  15. Brrrrrrrr. That is just down right chilly. Oh gosh. Floss, in deed!

  16. Terrible weather. You need to invite Pig in the house and get to work on that flossing :)

  17. Those are very sweet looking deer.
    And oh yes- Pig needs a really good floss;)

  18. Way too chilly for camping!

    Maybe a trip to the, uh, groomer's, is in order for Pig? :)

  19. This is critter is everyplace. So cute. And the Deer are so fine and beautiful.
