Monday, September 19

Quote from this weekend...

When we first started working toward a more self-sustaining life (and then camping as our vacation instead of hotels), we often received the Thoreau quote in emails from friends and family.
It became kind of a joke between us, to recite that quote when we were camping in a monsoon or doing some God-awful gardening job.
This weekend as we tried to warm up after a brisk 36 degree, 1am bathroom trip, Michael begins to quote:
"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach..and OMG what is crawling in my pants?!?! GETOUTOFTHEWAY! MOVEMOVEMOVE!".

and that, my friends, is what *going to the woods* will teach you..spiders also think fleece pants are toasty warm!


  1. Spiders in the britches! That's living deliberately and essentially and learning in ANY environment. EEEEeeeessssH!

  2. ha ha! i just saw that quote on another blog today. no spidey problem, though!

  3. Bet it was hard to get back to sleep:@)

  4. No!!! I would NOT have been able to sleep for days after that!!! Is he OK now?

  5. Yeah. I was doing fine until the spiders...

  6. Your posts always make me laugh I can't believe you got Pig on those scales I will be laughing all day. We all need a laugh knowing what our blogger friends are going through today. Thank you. B

  7. hahahaaa...i put that quote on my ...last post i think...but your version sounds a lot more fun!
    (ever since a similar thing happened...i always shake the shoes out and turn the pants inside out!)

  8. LOL! I did "go to the woods to see what it would teach..." by moving to the Hollow. I'm heading back to CT to civilization near the woods...what does that tell you?...:)JP
