Wednesday, August 10


For the watermelons.

Last night I was digging around in my dresser when Michael walked in.  He asked what I was looking for and I answered, "I'm trying to find some kind of pantyhose for the melons".
"What color?  Will these thigh-high things work?", he replied.
 Yeah, we've reached a new level of *normal* in this household.

The garden is pumping out a TON of tomatoes, eggplant and peppers (Bell and sweet chili)..
The squashes, beans and peas are done.  I'm wondering if I should try another planting of green beans.  Just a few plants this time.
Planted another row of carrots this morning.  This will be the last planting for them.
The tomato plants look like absolute crap, but it isn't affecting the production.  I'll be able to put away a gazillion tons of sauce, paste, etc.

Brilliant sunshine and huge clouds..amazing weather

The *flat* part of my yard.  Ah, WV..

More baby Brussels!  Grow, babies, I can you!

NO idea why the boys were so cuddly this morning...or why Henry is sleeping on Strider's head.
Weird dog.
Obviously, he fits right in with this household.

Michael has Thursday and Friday off, works the weekend, and then his REAL vacation starts  :D
Time to start sorting the camping gear!!


  1. Great photos. I especially love your flowers and the dogs.

  2. are you fishing on this camping trip? cuz you'll want to save the fishnets for that...

  3. Hi Samantha

    Saw you peeking behind that camera of yours on John's blog (Going Gently).
    Great blog here with fab pics. I seem to like a lot of blogs in WV for some reason!?

    I'll keep watching for further pics of camping and stockings ;0)

  4. pimping out the melons now...

    love the pile o' pups!

  5. OMG! I can hardly wait for the camping adventures to begin, so by all means get out all the hose and plant your green beans & carrots because when you get back, you'll be one busy gal!...:)JP

  6. Please tell me how you make tomato paste. I've just about figured out good tomato sauce from scratch, but I'm struggling with the paste.

  7. Nice clean new look!

    What do you use the hose for? I've been putting my watermelons on paper plates - someone told me that keeps them from rotting?

  8. Lisa, my melons are climbing on a fence. Hanging melons need support (that sounded way worse than intended) because the stems can't handle the weight.

    Hi, Chris!
    WV is a crazy state..fantastic, but nuts!

  9. Really like your post Samantha, bedroom dialog, panty hose, hanging melons, where is this gonna go. Your garden of coarse. Do the boys go camping? Hope yall have a good time.

  10. Looks like a beautiful day! I'll bet Pig's routing for the Brussels sprouts to grow too:@)

  11. I absolutely LOVE that three dog photo.......
    thats a keeper and a prize winner!!

  12. The flower photo is stunning! And the one with the dogs... way too cute!

    I hope you guys have a great time camping! Can't wait to see some pics!

  13. Did you get your mattress? Inquirings minds and all... :)

  14. That looks like the pile of dogs at my house!

  15. Thanks goodness our tomatoes are almost done...I am over diced, sauced, and juiced tomatoes! Remind me I said this during mid winter whenI am enjoying it all ;)
    Tomato paste, huh? You must share that recipe or how-to.

    Love the pile of pooches too!
