Wednesday, July 27

Wren babies and more bunting.

The second batch of house wrens made it! I'm so glad..the first batch of eggs was wrecked by coons.
One of the parent birds is missing a tail, but it isn't stopping him/her from excellent parenting.

By the can't do anything around here without catbirds up in your biz.

The babies/parents weren't bothered by me looking at them through the plexiglass window in the birdhouse.
The catbirds had a lot to say about it.

Recently, I remembered my uncle called me Catbird for YEARS.
Not so flattering, Uncle Joe.
Granted, kinda true.  *cough*

Less hideous Indigo Bunting shots:

Get back here, dammit!


  1. oh, those indigos are so beautiful!!! thanks for being persistent! and hurray for the wrens! and catbirds too!

  2. All of these are really nice. Love those buntings.

  3. Great bird photos. You're quite observant and quick with the camera. The wrens around here are so small that it's pretty tricky to even see them, much less photograph them. The buntings are amazingly BLUE.

  4. Fun pics of the bunting! I have a couple Catbirds in the yard, they seem to like my strawberries as much as I do...:@)

  5. Oh, those are good shots! I get a kick out of the last bunting shot. He's off! I wonder what happened to the one wren's tail. They have such cute little wagging ones, it's a pity he or she lost it.

    The catbirds around here are quick to swear and chatter at me when I show my face, too.

  6. What a great variety of birds you have. My mom has a catbird that stays around her place every summer. I just love their call. :)

  7. My Bird Cake Recipe is free on my blog/site. Catbirds/Mockingbirds/Brown Thrashers love it!

  8. thanks for the bird shots....i haven't gotten any good ones lately :(

  9. That little Indigo is a beauty!

  10. What a happy post! loved it.

    I post birds tomorrow also :)

    Aloha from Waikiki;

    Comfort Spiral


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  11. Sam those are pretty dang good Indigo shots! We love our wrens but they are agressive little feathery bodies! Geeesh life is rough out there, poor thing. No tail.

  12. Wonderful bird shots!

    The Mocking Birds are the ones that annoy the heck out of me sometimes.

    I haven't seen a cat bird this year.

  13. Cool photos. I wish we had Indigo Buntings in my backyard...

  14. Love the wren babies! And the shot with the worm is fabulous! Sweet birds!

  15. oooooh!! wow!! thanks for the peek inside the wren's house!! unfortunately...our wrnes that happen to build nests near the house...tend to become snake food :(

    the Bunting is beautiful!! GREAT shots!!
