Thursday, July 28

Holy babblepost.

I have too many expectations for Michael's time off.
 I work from home, so I can schedule things around his days off, work in the morning while he sleeps schedule is flexible.  His is not so we I try to make the best of any time off together.
I end up feeling stressed and disappointed and worried we didn't "make use" of our downtime.
Last night, I mentioned we didn't sit around the fire together, go for a drive and get ice cream or go hiking. Oh, God..we haven't gone fishing or camping while he was off!  

I'm sure Michael wonders how he ended up with someone who stresses so easily over stupid things.
Or doesn't factor in reality.

It was 110+ degrees most of his vacation.  
-If Michael had suggested we go camping.. I might have strangled him.
-Only crazy people go hiking in those temps with 85% humidity.  Not our kind of crazy..truly crazy.
-Who in hell wants to sit around a fire when the nighttime low is 82 and putting on flipflops makes you sweat?
-The state parks were packed to the gills (heh!) with people thinking fishing would be a nice, cool way to spend time.  I hate packed parks!  I hate that my secret fishing spots are SO not a secret.
-Going for a drive while eating ice cream is only fun when you don't have to have the air conditioner on High..our car has an insanely strong air conditioner (thank God), but it's impossible to talk over it (ok, Michael would enjoy that part).  
I can also attest that eating ice cream with the AC blasting me in the face is a skill I don't have.  I should be forced to wear a tarp.

We spent so much GOOD time together...gardening, swimming, watching movies (that is a rare thing for me). 

I have a hard time relaxing.  MUST! STRESS! CONSTANTLY!
Yeah, I'm working on it.

Pig knows how to relax.
 FYI, Pig's babies are long gone.  She ran off the last baby a week ago.  Violently.

Michael takes great joy in finding flowers to blind me.
Nothing says "I love you" like seared retinas.

One of my favorite relaxing spots.
But..the grass needs cut.  And..and..I see spots that need reseeded.
And that stump/end table is crooked.

We did run errands yesterday (YAY! Productivity!) and I snapped a few pics of our town from across the river.
WV (my side) to the right, Ohio to the left.

My little looks very charming from across the Ohio river.  Not so charming up close!


  1. Oh my. I'm so sorry you stress so much. Especially over your little quiet spot in the yard. You see imperfections...I see a delightful, whimsical, perfect spot to read! It's all about perspective. :)

  2. You make me laugh! With all that hyping, are you sure you're not from Philly??? Pig has the right idea, grab a munchie and enjoy the rest of Michael's vaca, the grass will be there next week:@)

  3. I sympathize, and have felt the same way, many times. I think we need to stifle that perfectionist within us, and take the good that comes from every day with increased pleasure. Easy to say, eh?

  4. Ohio looks beautiful I am sorry it is so hot. It has cooled down a lot here the past few days. Don't stress relax enjoy you only live once or maybe not but that is my motto. B

  5. whew! take a deep breath and sit still for a minute! join pig in the yard for a zucchini snack! :)

  6. Staycations are sometimes the best! Sounds like you have a great relationship!

  7. Ten years from now, you won't care if the grass was cut this week, or if the handy stump table was a half a bubble off of plumb. Enjoy your colourful flowers, and take it easy with that wonderful husband of yours.

  8. i love pig....he looks so calm :)

  9. My husband is a bit like you. He doesn't know how to relax. But in his defense, he's out of town so much working, when he's home, he has so many projects to complete.

  10. don't worry so ...enjoy your beautiful home with a great guy that loves happy, silly,colorful flowers and ladies (you)

  11. I'm usually all stressed out and worrying too. It helps to spend a lot of quiet time. Those pictures from the river are wonderful.

  12. I just got back from Canaan Valley! The weather there was just perfect even when it rained! It was actually cold there! And I didn't bring pants! lol I hated to come home. Canaan is the best! Temps dropped down into the 60's at night. We drove with the windows down all week.

    That pig is a sight to see! lol

  13. LOL
    You remind me of ME!

    Why d'ya think my blog is all about relaxing and wising up, sister?

    Aloha from Waikiki;

    Comfort Spiral


    > < } } ( ° >

    < ° ) } } > <

  14. I think I've been over that bridge! We bought a car years ago off Ebay that was in Ohio, we drove through WV to get there. Spent the night at some crazy campground in WV, actually, where we were up on a ridge and thought we were gonna die from the worst thunderstorm ever (I was so scared I went and got in the car, even though it was about 100* in there in the middle of the night - and oh yeah, I was pregnant at the time!) But hey, look, made it through ;-)

  15. Lisa, WV should change their motto from "Wild, Wonderful WV" to "WV..We Scare the Shit out of Everyone".

  16. ha!!...aaaaah...just take a deep breath...
    when you really think about it...who cares if the grass isn't perfect height & there are bare spots! and the table is crooked! ha!

    nice pictures on the way to town!! great views!!

    the bright 'don't forget your sunglasses' flowers are beautiful!! :)
