Monday, July 25

Plague! Pestilence!

Gardening is not for the weak or emotional.
(you see where I'm doomed here.  I'm a tad... emotional)

Yesterday morning, it was cooler and cloudy.  The dogs and I were so happy with the change in weather.  We frolicked!

No mosquitoes out and about, but a ton of dragonflies zipping around.

 A great morning to harvest and weed.

*cue ominous music*

What the hell happened to my brussels sprouts!?

Oh...Oh... you little squishy green bastards.
The brussels sprouts, cabbages and cauliflowers were mauled overnight.


I called a friend and poured out my rage and angst.  And disgust.
Those green blobs?
Not eggs.
Caterpillar crap.
According to the gardening sites, anyway.
The eggs are yellow and hidden on the undersides of the leaves.  
They don't bother to hide their feces.

I always liked moths better than butterflies (ever spot butterflies feasting on carrion or manure? So much for creatures of sweetness and light!).
Of course, moths are to blame for these squishy little poop factories.
So..down with moths! Boooo moths! Yay butterflies!
(Yes, I am losing it)

Picking the last of the green beans, I spot Mexican bean beetles.
Not nearly the swarm of last year, but still! Haven't I suffered enough today!?

Then, I realize that powdery mildew had struck the squashes.
Every single plant has spots. Overnight.

Fighting the urge to napalm the entire garden, I researched chemical free ways to handle this.
Hand pick the caterpillars.  Blech.
Plus, there are 41 billion of them.  Who has that much time?!

The squashes are hitting the end of producing..I'm ok with wrenching them out of the earth and disposing of their mildewy carcasses.

The green beans produced about 7 pounds of beans and are at the end of their game.  I'm ok with pulling them.

But...the cabbages and brussels sprouts?  Not a single edible bit, yet.
They recovered from Pig's attacks.
Getting stampeded by the crazed raccoon.
Now this.

And this, friends, is why Farmer's Markets were started.
Some other sucker gardener grows everything and you just it.
No blisters, no bloodshed, no tears.
Why in hell do I do this?! I'm done! Forget this!
Until dinner, when we were enjoying the perfect green beans and fabulous carrots.  Then it started making sense again.

Ah well.  At least nothing is currently eating the flowers.

Well, nothing is getting eaten but the sunflower petals.  Dang it.

Oh, imagine that.  MORE caterpillars.  GAH!

Pardon the horrific images below.  It was just before sunrise and incredibly foggy.
Awww..adorable velvet!
Wait a minute...where is my hosta??  You ate my hosta, you jerk!

I CAN see you, ma'am.  Eating my peaches.  Again.


  1. Ewww! I hope those caterpillars don't find their way here!

    I confess to using that Sevin dust on my plants a couple of times.

  2. So sorry about all of those buggers getting your goods. So not fair!

    Love your flowers.

  3. too funny! better you than me, sister!

  4. Oh Samantha, I know you're frustrated, but that post made me laugh so hard. I think every gardener has had those problems. That's what you get for going off to the big city and leaving your garden untended.

    I am not a salesperson for this stuff, but, it works. For the hostas, try Liquid Fence Deer and Rabbit Repellent. It's all natural, and it works. With all the deer I have around, it's the only way that I have daylilies and hostas. It does leave a coating on them, but that's better than having them munched to the ground.

  5. I was getting ready to say "you mean the deer haven't ate your flowers?" and then there it was! A deer! EI was getting ready to say "you mean the deer don't eat your flowers?" and then there it was! A deer eating your hostas! Those deer eating your hostas! Where I live the deer eat everything. I can't have flowers. This year I did get to have marigolds! lol

    The bugs is the reason I stay out of the garden! lol

  6. okay....the poop photo almost has me no longer buying fresh produce at the farmers market....YUCK

  7. Okay, I am really sorry about your gardening trouble but it sure produced a good laugh for me this morning. I'm on the road again so who knows what gardening nightmare I'll come home to. If I do, I hope I can come up with something near as funny as what you wrote, but I doubt it.

    I think the challenge is part of the draw. Don't you?

  8. I swear... I know nothing about gardening... but you CRACK ME UP!!!! I love your posts...

    and I would also like a peach. I'll go see if she will share...

    ;-D robelyn

  9. Oh my gosh it is a jungle out there. B

  10. critter explosion ! you crack me up though...I hope you get more garden produce in between all the munching robbers taking what they want. once a deer ate all my beautiful morning glories I was so sad

  11. I have to say I never imagined that caterpillars did that. I always thought they had similar innards to TV people.

  12. Well, you do have some beautiful veggies. I am pretty sure that if it were up to me to grow food for my family we would die of starvation.

  13. Oh my...glad to see I am not alone! Just when we are ready to throw our hands up against the varmint war...that nights dinner of fresh veggies or looking at all my canned goods... makes it all worth it!...either that or you and I both totally have lost our minds in this humidity!

  14. It is rough out there Sam in the Garden Jungle. I am praying you do not see the likes of Japanese Beetles!
