Friday, July 15

It's a time warp!

I'm posting Saturday's post tonight because I have a few spare minutes now, and I won't tomorrow.  Pretend it's Saturday. Work with me here. ;)

Miserable heat and humidity again today, so the dogs got to swim for exercise.  Poor, sad dogs.  *snort*

These were taken with my Kodak z981 piece of garbage.  It's the camera I use for risky stuff, like hiking and dogs+water.  I truly detest this camera compared to my Canon.  Since I'm blessed enough to have several cameras, I'll shut up and appreciate that fact!!

Voodoo, you cannot walk on water.

"please stop screwing around and cussing the camera and THROW MY TOY"

"Sheesh.  Took you long enough."  Strider really was disgusting with me!

I cannot express how much water an Akita coat holds...or how silly they look shaking off.  Hee!

Not so silly.

We're invited to Michael's best friend's surprise birthday party tomorrow (er..I mean tonight.  If today was really Saturday.  Or something.  Now I'm all confused.).
I hate surprise parties (for me), because unfailingly I look like hell and I'm tired/ill/grouchy..and suddenly people leap out and scare the crap out of me..which leads to an adrenaline dump and makes me REALLY pissy.  And they have cameras, and YAY there I am looking like Evil Incarnate.
Evil Incarnate with bad hair and smudgy eyeliner.
Michael learned this the hard way, early in our relationship.  He and my friends planned a birthday party on the day I had a hard trail run.
I staggered in the door exhausted, sweaty and unhappy..when they jumped up and yelled, I let out a war cry and hurled my shoes at the nearest *attacker*.  Remember I mentioned my lack of Flight reaction?
Thank God they were good friends and understood I wasn't really trying to behead anyone with stank-ass trail shoes.
Surprise parties make me feel anxious, even if they aren't mine!?  Psychosis, much??
I'm excited to see Jeremy and Ashley and their adorable baby boy, though!

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. Great pics of the dogs jumping into the pool!

    Our dog hates water...I guess even more than he hates heat, becuase he wont go in a pool no matter how hot it is.

    His coping mechanism is to sit in the bathroom on the cool tile, on top of the air conditioning vent.

    wish he was as smart as your dogs!

  2. i sure hope your friends don't read your blog or the cat's out of the bag! or maybe you planned it that way... evil incarnate and all.... :)

  3. I agree with texwisgirl! lol

    Those pictures of the dogs in the pool makes me wish we had a pool at our house! It has been so hot and humid that I don't even want to go swimming yet. So far we haven't been at all this summer! Last year we didn't go until a day or two before school started! lol And of course I got burnt to a crisp as always no matter how much sunscreen I put on.

    Hope the party goes well!

    Party on!

  4. LOVE that 3rd pic. All your dogs are great. but Voodoo can do no wrong in my books.

  5. You may hate the camera, but I think the dog shots are great!

    I love that pink tiger lily. Now I want one!

  6. Sam I have always loved the shots of your pups in the pool since way back in the GP days! Have fun at the party tonight. Tonight right? It's 5 in the morning in my bit of country!

  7. I hope that you got in the pool yourself, after you were done taking pictures with the crappy Kodak camera (which, since I'm from Rochester, I take just the smallest bit of offense to ;-D never mind that I use a Fuji camera myself) that took adorable pictures of really cute dogs.

    Have a great time at the party and have a wonderful weekend.

  8. The dogs look like they're having fun, love the air shots:@)

  9. oh my gosh, those are amazing shots!
    great job!!

    looks like they're enjoying jumping into the pool and having fun.

    it just makes me want to jump into that pool, too!

    let's party!!

    happy weekend!

  10. To the gentleman who used my blog as advertising: I'm sure your blog is fabulous, not that I'll visit it NOW, because hawking your blog without bothering to say a dang thing about my post/blog/etc is plain ass RUDE.

    Tex, no worries! They don't read/know about my blog. I wouldn't rain on someone's surprise parade. Just my own :D

  11. your dogs are blessed to have you and a pool !!

    and i've told my hubby that if he ever throws me a surprise party, i will kill him :)

  12. You got some really amazing shots with your...not first choice camera. :) Amazing. Do you swim in that pool or is it just for your dogs? It looks wonderful by the way.

    You asked if the parrots impact the other birds around here? I have watched and watched and all of the other birds ignore them and the parrots ignore the other birds. They don't fight like the Mockingbirds who are always going at it with the blue jays.
    They just want to eat the sunflowers.
    You do take beautiful photographs.

  13. I'm so with you on any kind of surprise... don't like it, never will. You are a good sport for going along... :)

  14. I love that your dogs have their own pool ;-) All our border collie has is a muddy old stream. He doesn't know how much he's missing out.

  15. Pictures of dogs are good, but dogs AND water is gooder. Great shots! I love your pool.

  16. Great photos of the pups they look so wonderfully happy to be jumping into the water. My dog hates water (Shetland sheepdog) I wouldn't like a surprise party either by the way I know just how you feel.

  17. great shots!! (even if you had to use the crappy can't tell...) especially voodoo walking across the pool...and then the water shake one!!
    it's HOT here too...and i feel cooler already! thanks for the dip!

    surprise parties?!! i just always figured the person who it's for...just has to have some kind of idea what's going maybe they read your post?! ha!!

    (parties...whether surprise or not...make me feel anxious anymore...)

  18. surprise!! it's me!
    (i know, you're like "what? i don't even care.")

    love these happy, wet pups! such joy...
