Friday, June 3

Friday babble.

  I had an enormous post raging about the creatures devouring my yard..but..
forget it.
Instead of plotting revenge on groundhogs, we'll continue to groundhog-proof everything.  I'll focus on my project list (ACK!) instead of maniacally reading groundhog recipes.

The deck lounges need a coat of paint.
Can't decide what color to use.  The chairs are very boring..

One of you creative types, help me choose a fun color! It's a pool deck, so it can be as bold as we want.    Michael picked a lot of the plants for around the deck.  If it's neon, he loves it.  The gerberas, dahlias and lantana are all BRIGHT.  I mean wear sunglasses bright.  He's taking an interest in the yard more than ever...sometimes I wonder if this is a good thing ;)

I can't be left to my own devices..look what happened with the garden table:
Friends don't let friends break out Caribbean blue spray paint.

The strawberries ripening against the pretty!
I also realized I need to post an updated garden photo.  New fence, everything is tidy, the beds are full of plants.

I have horrendous guilt because we hired someone to mow/string trim.
We had to make choices with our time, and this was the biggest time, we hired out.
I need to learn that it's ok to hire out for jobs instead of doing everything ourselves.  We would like to spend more time together hiking or just hanging out instead of constantly working.  Michael is gone 10-11 hours a day..we need more down time!
(ok, stop justifying. no one cares.)

I made an attempt to get caught up on blogs..amazing how many posts you get behind when you can't read for a day or so!


  1. Looks like you have plenty to keep you busy as far as projects go!!! We do too - finally finished siding the garage and now have to stain it....Hubbs has started a new hen house for my girls - have to finish staining that as well....need to get mulch, mow, and other outside things that the melting of the winter snows has revealed! That's the GOOD thing about heavy snow - it hides a lot of the Honey Do's on the list!!!

  2. Life's all about priorities, Samantha. There's not enough time in the day to do all you need to do, so hiring out makes sense.
    There you go -- no more guilt. :)

    Color for the lawn chairs? Hmmm.
    How about bright yellow? Have fun!

  3. Although my husband is good at what he does, I so wish he would hire jobs out. It would give us time to get away instead of being tied down on the week-ends. As for the color of the deck?? Let the flowers do the talking and go with something neutral would be my advice.


  4. I was almost stunned at the little green table. I made two or three just like that a long time ago and they are still in use today.

    You have some nice photos in this post, Samantha.

  5. oh i agree with yellow! that would be nice and bright!

  6. paint color....i love me a turquoise chair or anything for that's bright, can look vintage and looks good on anyone :)

  7. Of course, as soon as I say I'm picking a paint color Michael says "Anything but yellow!"
    Previously, he said "I don't care. At all. Pick what you want!".

  8. He did offer to tape off the seats and backs (which won't be painted, of course)...this is why he's still alive ;)

  9. I know what you mean about falling behind...but in your defense I LOVE the BLUE TABLE and I think a bright GRASS GREEN is in order.Then you can add orange, yellow, hot pink into the mix!!..:)JP

  10. If we had the cash, my hubby would definitely hire out on the mowing!!

  11. Lisa, that is a huge part of my guilt! I keep thinking of other things we could be doing with that money.

  12. paint-shaint. do they really need it? i mean, as busy as you are, only the dogs are using them, and they're color blind. ;o)

  13. ...i spelled "shmaint" wrong. ha!

  14. I love that blue color, it is gorgeous! No need to feel guilty -- just think, you are giving someone a job and yourselves some much needed downtime.

  15. I also like the Caribbean blue colour, and I agree with Michael that flowers should be as bright and cheerful as you can find them.

    Then again, I'm the girl with a purple front porch and plans on painting the chairs that go there raspberry pink. Colour is one thing I'm not afraid of.

  16. I think I like the color of the garden table. The flower pot on top is something nice looking of a kind I've never seen before.

  17. Blue is my favorite color so I love the Caribbean Blue table! I would paint all the outdoor stuff this color... except you cute furbabies.:)
    Hey...don't feel guilty about not mowing or visiting blogs. Most of us understand.:-D)

  18. looks like a sweet territory you have there :)

    Aloha from Honolulu

    Comfort Spiral




  19. I would love to hire someone then they could break the lawn mower and feel guilty rather than I. Great idea.
    You should spend free time together. B
