Sunday, May 15

Michael angered me..

Gorgeous eyes!

Excellent aunt stopped to visit and asked where Michael was just as I was removing this toad from the back porch.  I held the toad up and smiled. (and no, Michael didn't anger

We had a great time at the greenhouse yesterday.  Lucky for me, no sign of the eagles.  I forgot my camera.
I had to smile..Michael and my uncle were installing a water heater yesterday evening.  Guess who they called to do the PVC water lines?
God bless men that have no drama about asking a woman for help, or recognizing that there are women who are better at certain traditional *man* jobs.


  1. That is HUGE! Around here, those guys come at about the size of the tip of a thumb. I love seeing them, though. I take it as a sign that I'm doing something right in the gardens.

  2. Oh I never thought a toad could be cute;))))

  3. you go girl! :)

    LOVE that pretty toad!!! keep mr. michael as your prince tho. :)

  4. I've not seen a toad like that one before! He was neat to see! Glad to hear that some men folk will ask for help from a woman!

  5. I don't want to make you mad. Ha, ha :).

  6. We found a similar toad in our garden a few weeks ago!

  7. aw, what a pretty toad! i had never seen a toad so tiny before.
