Sunday, September 25

Fall chores

As I sit here in gorgeous fall sunshine and cool breezes..I'm in denial.
I love winter, but I'm SO not ready for it.
The winter prep for the yard and house...ugh...

Pig, however, has her game face on.

Michael: Babe, why did you put a big rock in the yard?
Michael, that's Pig.

She made 5 trips across the yard with dry leaves.

"Lettuce?! All that work and all I get is lettuce?!"

You're a wild animal...forage!

"A wild animal?!  Who SAYS something like that?!"

"When Animals Attack is a great show.  I take notes"


  1. well, since she's been known to breach your house/water heater room, i'd watch my back... :)

  2. That figure! She's beautiful in her roundness. But, I agree with TexWisGirl, keep on her good side. You never can tell.

  3. LOL, I'd be totally mad over lettuce too. She needs an electric blankie.

  4. "Why did you put a big rock in the yard?" Heh heh. Lettuce to those who are...rotund...yup, insult.

  5. Pig wants Food! Food! Food! (this sounds like the food chant from the movie Twister!) lol She needs substance!

    Pig also wants some feathers, yarn and some cotton to make her den cozier! And she'd like a picture of you to hang in her den too so she won't forget what you look like during the winter!

  6. I think she might be building a tunnel into YOUR HOUSE, lining it with leaves to keep down the pitter patter of her FAT FEET!...:)JP

  7. I bet you will miss her when she goes to sleep. It looks so cute seeing her with leaves in her mouth going across the yard.
    As always lovely pictures and captions.

  8. Maybe she needs a little doghouse/groundhog house with a heating pad :) She needs carbs....not lettuce.

  9. It's good to see she just doesn't eat! Nice photos of her doing the housework and I think lots of dry, crunchy leaves would make a pretty good bed :)

  10. haha! The pig is back! My weekend is complete. :-)

  11. I'm in denial over winter too... You expressed it perfectly.

    Amazing how much your pig looks like our marmots! She's such a cutie. What are you doing putting her on a lettuce diet? :)

  12. Mwahaha it looks like Pig is stuffing her hollow, getting ready for winter. And yes, you do need to stay on her good side!!she came up throught the heater room that one time... who says she won't do it again?
