Sunday, June 5

Nature hates us

The only break in the flat, grey sky..just above the porch wisteria

Last night, just before dark, the dogs and I wandered outside.
Gorgeous...perfect sultry summer evening just before a storm.  It was too nice to focus on one thing with the camera.  I just stood on the hill and Enjoyed.
A Girl and Her Dogs.
Of course, that's when all hell breaks loose.

I hear a noise that is similar to a cat in a blender (guessing here) and the dogs go crazy.
A large raccoon had gotten *stuck* in the garden and was tearing around, bawling his/her head off.
You got in there, dumb ass, so get OUT the same way!?
Think Godzilla rampaging through Tokyo...Tokyo being my vegetables.
Not typical coon behavior, for certain.

I got the snarling slavering well-behaved dogs to the porch and hurried back to open the gate..the coon charged me, evil little teeth bared.  It's a large wasn't cornered.
  There are few things on Earth that cause me to run screaming.  Snakes?  You all know I have no problem with holding snakes.  I can't help myself from touching.
Must touch snake.

Really, really angry raccoon? 
Run for your life.
Women and dogs first.

Tomorrow, I'll be calling WVDNR again to ask about dealing with the raccoon and groundhog explosion.
Messing up the flower beds is one thing, but they are destroying our food source!

A friend of mine was horrified that I'm willing to exterminate garden pests. 
 Think of this way:
pest animal is repeatedly ransacking your pantry, after you've already spent a large amount of money to pest-proof..would you stand there and say "Oh darn. There goes $400!".
I didn't think so.

We fenced to prevent deer and groundhogs, and now the raccoons have moved in.
We don't feed the birds past a certain time and over a certain amount, so there is no seed left for pests.
I stopped feeding the deer anywhere near the yard (the deer were never an issue), and feeding the deer/groundhogs at the far end of the property has worked for 5 or 6 years.  It kept the groundhogs away from the house.
NOW they decide to expand.
Our trash cans are so coon-proofed I can't get in the damn things.
There comes a certain point where you don't have many options left.

The most hilarious advice given by wildlife control experts is "make your property inhospitable to that pest.  Prevent their habitat and remove food sources".  
They are freaking raccoons and groundhogs.
  Should I bulldoze the place and pave it all?!  Their food source is MY FOOD SOURCE.  I have four dogs that go absolutely crazy every time they see a coon or groundhog.
We're already inhospitable, so what now?


  1. I live trap and relocate. There is no reason to put up with anything destroying your food and property. Not to mention what could happen to your dogs if they tangle with one of those big ole boys.

  2. Wow thaat sounds so scary...I hope you can solve this coon problem soon..that garden sure needs to be protected , but I have no answer. Maybe the traps is a good idea

  3. we are not friendly when it comes to our cottage and the pests....but i think they like us like that. heck, they like us no matter what we do to try to remove them or prevent them from damaging the whole frickin place.....somewhere, they're sitting back with their feet up laughing at us right now.

  4. crap! the males can get pretty aggressive! live traps might be the way to go - going far, far away.

  5. Trapping and relocating may not be an depends on our state laws. Plus, releasing them in an area where they won't impact someone else or that areas wildlife is an issue. Very frustrating.
    I'll find out our options tomorrow.
    I don't look forward to getting a big, pissed off coon out of a trap!!

  6. Nature cannot possibly hate you with BEAUTIFUL wysteria like THAT! Here in texas it bloomed for all of a week or two and then was gone. What is the point of even planting it here? You know? It's depressing.

    Sorry about the coon. That sounds awful.

    I have a snake under my shed you can pet. I saw him for the first time this morning and he is BIG. This explains why the rabbits are all huddled in my flower bed. And you know how rabbits are. They are tasting stuff. And why my dog poops so close to the house. He doesn't like snakes either. Sigh.

    This is my first visit here! Lovely place you have. =)

  7. i have to laugh at your way with words! coon-zilla over vege-yo!

    but i don't blame you for wanting it gone by any means. i'd be worried for the dogs' safety. glad you got a few moments of peace in before hell broke loose anyway.

  8. Nothing worse than a p'ed off coon :). Try cutting some slices of Irish Spring soap and putting around the garden. We've tried it in ours and it does seem to help. I have lived trapped them also and hauled them up into the mountain.

  9. haha i told my hubby, this lady must have a pretty sucky day with a title like that... haha...

    i'm sorry to hear about your garden and vegetables but i just had to laugh!


  10. action!

    Aloha from Waikiki :)

    Comfort Spiral




  11. Oh my! I thought we were the only people to have crazy shit happen to them! Good luck and hopefully DNR gives you some good advice.

  12. LB, I think we're all related or something.
