Saturday, April 3

Driving in WV

We have these fabulous signs everywhere- "Falling Rock Next x Miles".
State Road isn't kidding.

If a rock that size comes barreling down the hillside, I have a game plan. 

Pee my pants and faint. 

A friend of mine once claimed our roads were planned by drunken toddlers.
She might be right.

Just driving to the grocery store, we see:

and I didn't even get photos of the S turn signs!

Come visit!  Just remember your helmet and Dramamine.


  1. I saw one that had fallen after a huge rainstorm here in Roanoke about a month ago.. it was not even half as big as that huge on you posted a pic of, but it was right on the road and everyone had to veer around it on a two lane road. I'd pee my pants too!!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.. Always love newcomers!

    The Blue Ridge Gal


  2. If you remember, I related my driving experience through WV on Facebook a while back. It was nice driving through during the day, but at night, in the fog, with crazy truck drivers....OMG.

    I was literally feeling like I was going to pass out but I was afraid to pull over because I couldn't see if I was going to drive off the side of the mountain.

    And we just kept climbing higher and higher, and in the opposite lane, the cars coming down the mountain looked like they were falling out of the sky and .....omg, I have to stop...I feel nauseous.

    But it really is a beautiful state!
