Monday, January 6

Sunday.. Day of rest. HA.

Day of rest, my foot.
I went out to feed the birds and heard running water.
We don't have a creek.. Or water feature.. So what the hell?
The hose access was corroded, and shattered. In the main line.


Called water co to shut it off, and started digging. My mom came to help.
Much mud, blood, and profanity.
Brute force isn't always a good thing, but when your connections look like mine.. Go HULK on them.


Happily, all was fixed with ONE Lowes trip and a pint of blood (mine). Water repaired and turned back on just before dark. YEAH, baby!

Hopefully I didn't accidentally work some dark ritual with a mix of blood, iron and dirt.
I do have that clown to worry about. ;)


  1. Water break in January? NOOOoooo! But wait, your ground isn't frozen and your pipe is within shovel, blood and swearing reach. Feel blessed. Ours took a backhoe, dump truck a plumber and all his minions and ultimately the death of my favorite tree to repair. At least homeowner's insurance comes in handy once in a while.

  2. Oh jeez oh pete. This was not good, but it's a given that when cold weather sets in, things break. Sorry about the blood! Hope you weren't hurt too terribly bad.. xox

  3. I just told the Pres today that I do not miss cleaning up after the creeks overflowed in VA at all. Use lots of peroxide...bacteria, although winter, may be lurking!...:)JP

  4. We had one like that too when hubby was away in October. Not the main, only the one that fed the garden and the shed where the washing machine is located. It's no fun and I'm glad you got it fixed. Hope you are OK by now. All that blood and all!
