Tuesday, May 17

When it rains..

well..it just won't stop.
Local weather station says this is the 8th day in a row with rain. I'm wearing Michael's Mountain Hardwear Monkey Man fleece (I look like a moss covered boulder, but I'm warm).
  I live on a hillside.  Somehow, there is ponding water in my yard.  The water is now defying gravity.
Even more strange to me..the squash is blooming, the green beans are leaping out of the soil, the tomato plants are huge and robust and the strawberries are blooming like crazy.
Don't we need SUN and warmth for this!?
I'm trying to carry on with the hope that things will dry up/warm up a bit, but when your fingers ache from cold soil....blah.  It's hard not to think of November!
Getting any decent bird shots has been near impossible.  I'm not standing outside in the monsoon with my camera, and the windows are always speckled with rain (or sheeting with rain).
Not the best yard to lounge in, Dumb Bunny.


The female Baltimore Oriole was hanging out.  Finally, I could get her photo! 
Of course, she popped her head up JUST as I took the photo. I love birds. I love birds. I love..oh you little ingrate, no more nectar for YOU!

The water heater died last night.  I called our handyman, who was supposed to give me an estimate sometime today.  Almost 6pm and no show, no return call!
I can replace it myself (and yeah, it needs replaced), but..I would rather not.  Our to-do list is 53 miles long as is.

The photo alignment went crazy on this post and I'm just not messing with it.
Time to gather up four dog rain coats and take them out for a walk.


  1. you are quite the plumber, aren't you?! :)

    sorry you're getting too much rain, but we sure could use some of it to refill the low pond...

    the rabbit figured the dogs were inside in the rain so now was his shot to get some grain!

  2. Sounds like you need a bit of sunshine. I'd send some of mine, but with it comes 50km/h winds (for the past 6 days)...AND if the wind dies down even a notch- MOSQUITOES. Killer ones.
    Want to go on a holiday with me?:)))

  3. Theresa, poor TX! I am floored by the drought there.
    My plumbing skills came from our BrokeA$$ Years! LOL! Michael was gone constantly and we couldn't afford to hire out..I learned things I never, ever wanted to know! ;)

    Dawn, my bags are packed and the Ark is loaded..let's go! Sunshine, here I come!

  4. It's been raining nonstop all day where I live! I'm glad to hear that your garden is thriving in spite of all of the water from the rain! When we built our house my husband did all of the plumbing so if something breaks he can fix it. Not sure if I could do that or not. I know you have to drain all the water out of them before you take it out.

  5. We could use some of that rain. With all the snow we got, everybody said we were going to flood this spring (I even had a sump pump installed in preparation!) but the puddles are a no show. I think we've had one single rainy day, and everything is dry as a bone.

  6. I'm glad your garden is doing so well in spite of the rain. I wish we could get some rain. I thought you said you couldn't get any bird photos though. These are great. I like the dumb bunny too.

  7. Oh Em Gee, you are weeks, maybe even MONTHS ahead of us in Denver on the growing season! My tomato and pepper plants are only about 9 inches tall!!! And it's in the 40s right now!

  8. Tomorrow is our last day of sunshine for the next five days, so I have to take advantage.

    I haven't even put the plants into the garden yet -- I'm still not convinced we won't have another frost.

  9. I'm way ahead of schedule due to turning my entire house into a greenhouse...I learned my pretty recessed window will hold 5 seed flats.
    We're definitely ahead of Denver, though!

  10. it always seems to rain here right when i want to go out.

  11. Yes, when it rains it pours. It dumped on us in February, when several big things broke. Sigh.

    I ran in a monsoon last night. Crazy rains this spring.

  12. Remember the days when bath water filled a galvanized tub and a shower was hot water from the teakettle. Not too hot. Just right.

    Forget the hot water heater. Get a bigger teakettle.

  13. Okay - first - I wanna see the dogs in their rain coats. LOLOL!!!! I love how the bunny and the bird are hanging out together - yard love!!!

    And... anything that has "monkey man" in it has to be a keeper. LOL!

    Stay warm!!!
    ;-D robelyn

  14. same here the rain is going to stop by Friday supposedly! yard looks like a green lush JUNGLE


  15. I just hopped on the ark and am heading to pick you up. I feel your pain, girl! I saw an elusive Baltimore Oriole the other day and it made my day.

  16. You could send me some of that rain : ) We keep getting a rainy forecast-but it seems to miss us everytime.

  17. My water heater rusted out a over 2 years ago. I never got around to replacing it. I heat water in a stove top coffee pot (with the guts removed).
    Love your photos. Dog gone leaves do get in the way when trying to photograph a bird in a tree.
